Billboards in Georgia are causing a stir, rightfully. The billboards feature a little black boy, with the tag: "Black Children are an Endangered Species." The message is clear, Black women are aborting too many children and that needs to stop. Pro-life organizations are using race to get a point across. In Georgia, black women are more likely to abort a fetus than a white woman. The billboards are designed to shame women and follow the line often used by anti-abortion groups. There is a need for education and parenting classes for women in Black communities, that is known, but it seems to me this is taking it a step too far. Here is a snippet from an article by AP's Errin Haines: "The effort is sponsored by Georgia Right to Life, which also is pushing legislation that aims to ban abortions based on race. Black women accounted for the majority of abortions in Georgia in 2006, even though blacks make up just a third of state population, according to the Centers for D...
The purpose of this blog is to point out "Flights of Moxy." Some times Moxy can be a good thing, and other times it can be ridiculous! I will post video and other content gathered from the news and across the web...things that make us say, "Are you serious?!" Fly with me on a Flight of Moxy!