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Showing posts from August, 2010

The So-Called "Ground-Zero Mosque" controversy

Once again, the Right and those who have nothing else to do with their time, have created a controversy where there really isn't one and America is in full panic over it. The proposed Mosque that is to be built in lower Manhattan is not on hallowed ground, in fact it is four blocks away. Also, the Mosque will be but a part of a community center that also trains chefs. I mean really? Must we as America always have someone to hate? There were Muslim Americans in the Towers that day. There were Muslim Americans among the First Responders as well. Islam did not attack us, terrorists did. We must learn to separate. Should we stop building churches each time some Right-wing Nut bombs an abortion clinic? Of course not. This country was founded on religious freedom, and here we seek to deny that to others simply because of fear-mongering? I am not so proud to be an American right this moment. Let us do something right, and tell the crazies they are...well crazy.