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Showing posts from December, 2010

Don't ask, don't tell, don't do the right thing

Today the vote for The Defense Authorization Bill failed to pass because of Senate Republicans and one Senate Democrat. Why did the bill fail? Was it because the military no longer needs funding for the multiple wars we are engaged in? Nope. Did it fail because the arms dealers we supply called to say they are fully stocked and good to go? Not even! The bill failed to pass because it contained...hold you breath...a measure to repeal the very discriminatory Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy. Once again, the Right and their cohorts on the Democratic side chose politics over doing the right thing. It is completely insane to think the men and women who serve this country; many who give their lives and others who give their limbs and minds must also give their integrity. The military is supposed to be about serving your nation with honor, but how can a person be told to be honorable and lie at the same time? That is what DADT asks of Gay and Lesbian servicemen and woman every single mi...

A Raw Deal

You will get no argument from me, the "deal" made by President Obama with the Repulicans extending the Bush-era tax cuts is really not a deal at all. Where I will take issue is with the outrage coming from the Left and the Democratic Party. Since the announcement of the deal, House Democrats have gone on a tear about the deep disappointment they feel with the President's concession. To them I say, "Where were you?" For the passed 2 years of the Obama Administration, the Democrats have done what they always do: lose the message war. The Right has done a fantastic job painting the Left as a spendthift party who wants to put this country in greater hoc to the Chinese and other countries who hold our debt. Meanwhile, it is the Right who champions the cause of the top 1%. Can anyone really be surprised the President came to the "deal" he did with the Right? While the Right won the message war (and the Midterm elections), the Democrats tucked tail and ran. ...