Donald J. Trump is the GOP front-runner for the Presidential nomination and he is a terrorist. I wish I was being hyperbolic, but I am not. Anyone who has been following the circus that is the GOP nominating process has to understand things have gotten really real if this guy is at the head of the pack. First of all, let's define the term "terrorist":
"A person, group, or organization that uses violent action, or the threat of violent action, to further political goals." -
This is Trump's entire political platform. He use fear of violent action from blacks, Muslims, China...anyone who is not white to galvanize the less than intellectual Americans who make up his base. For Trump, there is now limit to race baiting, xenophobia, slander, of just plain lying if it is going to advance his political career.
When Trump first announced he was running for President, I like many others thought this was a stunt to hype ratings for his reality t.v. show, The Apprentice. No one actually thought Trump would be the GOP's choice for President. I don't even think Trump thought he would get this far, but alas; here we are with Trump dominating polls and leading the field of candidates; each crazier than the last.
Trump supporters take no issue with his saying the majority of crime in America is committed by blacks against whites (not true), or he will build a wall to keep Mexicans out (even though more Mexicans are leaving American than are coming), and many of them believe he is going to save America by keep the Muslims out.
For me, Donald Trump is a culmination of America's inability to separate reality from reality t.v., and it is tragic. Tragic because this is a person who has no business running for President of what is supposedly the greatest nation in the world. He has no political experience, but to his base, that makes him the perfect "outsider." He is divisive and xenophobic, but for his base that only means he is super pro-American (pro-white.)
Trump's supporters love him because he is saying all of the things the politically correct Left has told them they shouldn't say "in polite company." He has given them a voice, and that voice is angry, bigoted, destructive, violent, and "terroristic." He is the worst of America. His is the America that places the "others" in interment camps, that cares little if a Black Lives Matter protester is beaten at a Trump rally, that is perfectly fine with the shootings at Planned Parenthood facilities, and one in which to be American means being white, preferably male, and armed to the teeth with assault rifles.
We have seen this movie before; many, many times, and it is terrorism. Donald J. Trump is a terrorist. Period.
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