Glen Beck, really, what can be said about this guy?
So now he cares about the poor? He is telling people to be grateful even if they are about to lose their homes or have lost their jobs? I suppose those without health care should be grateful for that as well? This guy is truly out of touch! Yes we live in a great nation, but what becomes of a nation that doesn't take care of the least among them? For Mr. Beck, he can be thankful. He has been given a platform and an audience on and to which he can spout whatever blather oozes from his so-called mind. He calls himself a Patriot. You sir are no patriot. You are a hate-monger, racist, bigot, and a sales man. Let us all be thankful this Thanksgiving for the many Blessings we have, but let us also be thankful some of us are in our right mind, and see Beck and his ilk for what they really are!
Happy Harvest!
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