Impeach Obama Fund?
This is an article taken from a Seeded by kingland. ... ya gotta admire these folks' fearmongering tactics in getting suckers to send them money. Here's some excerpts from the e-mail I got:
Radio-personality Tammy Bruce may have said it best:
"... ultimately, it comes down to... the fact that he seems to have, it seems to me, some malevolence toward this country, which is unabated."
Former-President Gerald Ford, while serving in the House of Representatives, said an impeachable offense was, "whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history."
Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution reads: "The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."
The key phrase here is "high crimes and misdemeanors," a concept in English Common Law that was well-known to our Founding Fathers but is grossly misunderstood in this day and age.
"High crimes and misdemeanors" essentially means bad behavior.
The Obama Administration exemplifies maladministration. It qualifies as the poster-child for bad behavior.
Obama and those around him are ravaging this great country and adding a sorry chapter to a noble history.
Impeachment, as written in the Constitution, was tailor-made for Barack Hussein Obama and our Founders placed it in our Constitution for such a time as this.
It could be easily argued that we have a duty to impeach Barack Hussein Obama.
Of course, our elected officials won't have the back-bone to go it alone. That's where you come in.
Help us spread the word far-and-wide and our elected officials will come to know that Impeachment is the will of the American people and they ignore the will of the people at their own political peril.
The question is not whether we should impeach Barack Hussein Obama. Rather, the question is, can we impeach Barack Hussein Obama before it is too late?
Make no mistake. We're now in the middle of a bloodless coup – the takeover of an entire nation by the hate-America crowd – a cold-blooded gang that despises American's prosperity, our standing in the world, our trust in God and our generosity and goodness.
America is a monument to the triumph of freedom. When Barack Obama thinks about freedom, he sees a world in which some people, due to personal initiative and good fortune, will do better than others... live better than others.
And in that regard, he is right. But Barack Obama sees that as unfair. Where you see freedom, liberty and the opportunity for any American to be all that he or she can be, Obama sees greed and bigotry.
And, like so many on the far-left before him, going all the way back to Karl Marx, he believes that it's his mission to promote "equality of outcome" over "equality of opportunity" even if Americans must learn to live in chains to make it happen (in fact, servitude to the iron will of government will be required).
That worldview makes Barack Hussein Obama a very dangerous man and one of the greatest threats to your personal liberty today.
That dangerous worldview also explains why he has already gobbled-up major banks and why the government now controls more and more of our money – yours and mine. And if you wake up one day to discover you're broke, don't be surprised. Barack Hussein Obama is Bernie Madoff with the political power of the presidency at his disposal.
That dangerous worldview explains the sudden and shocking erosion of your freedom to make a living, to run your own business, whether a Mom-and-Pop grocery store or General Motors.
That dangerous worldview explains why his Attorney General, Eric Holder, despises the 2nd Amendment... why, if he had his way, he would take away our guns, leaving us defenseless against gangs and hoods – and, more to the point, against Obama's own shock-troops from ACORN or SEIU. Remember, it was the healthy and rational fear of government that led to the inclusion of the 2nd Amendment in the Constitution of the United States.
And that dangerous worldview explains why Obama intends to take away your freedom to choose your own doctor... your own treatment. Wherever government controls health care, bureaucrats decide who gets treatments... who gets transplants... who gets dialysis... who gets costly medication... and who needs to die for the common good.
Here are just a handful of the high crimes and misdemeanors committed by Barack Hussein Obama.
He lied to the American people when he said we could keep our private insurance, knowing full well that his legislation would inevitably drive private insurers out of business.
Gerald Walpin, Inspector General of the Corporation For National and Community Service investigated Kevin Johnson, a big buddy of the president, for misuse of funds from an AmeriCorps grant. Whereupon Obama vindictively fired Walpin to cover for Johnson. A subsequent investigation vindicated Walpin's judgment in the matter.
Barack Hussein Obama has overseen the effective takeover by government of banks, the largest insurance company (AIG), and General Motors (GM) and Chrysler... the bulk of the U.S. auto industry, thus depriving bondholders, shareholders, and others of their property.
Barack Hussein Obama is actively pursuing cap-and-trade legislation. Instead of taxing the very air we breathe, it would instead, in a manner of speaking, tax the air we exhale and give the government unprecedented control over the economy and American businesses.
Barack Hussein Obama is running up our debt at an alarming rate. In just 9 months since Obama assumed office, our National Debt has gone up by over a trillion dollars. To put that figure in perspective, it took George W. Bush 8 years to add 4.8 trillion to the National Debt.
And, to add insult to injury, we're printing money like it's going out of style. The effect will be hyper-inflation, a crippling of our economy and, quite possibly, personal hardship on a scale that has not been experienced since the Great Depression.
Barack Hussein Obama has appointed countless "Czars" to oversee everything from the closing of Guantanamo to the food we eat. These Czars don't have to be approved by the Senate. The Czars have unprecedented power and report only to Obama. Members of both parties are disturbed by these extra-Constitutional excrescences.
Senator Robert Byrd said: "The accumulation of power by White House staff can threaten the Constitutional system of checks and balances." Congressman Jack Kingston called the Czars a "parallel government."
And finally, Obama has consistently refused to approve the release of his actual birth certificate, college transcripts and his medical records.
And these matters only scratch the surface.
It's almost as if Obama is intentionally trying to destroy the country.
This is insane! Where were these idiots when W. was fighting a war he didn't pay for, gave tax cuts to the wealthy, destroy health-care and medicare, and so much more. Why are these people really upset? Are these the same people who stand up in town halls and weep because they "want their country back?" It's ridiculous. He has been President for a year now, but before the ink was dry, people were calling for him to be thrown out of office. It cannot possibly be only that the are concerned for the Nation. What concerns them is that there is a black man running the country. Sad people. These are the same people who showed up at Glenn Beck and Fox News white power rallies burnishing swastikas and pictures of the President as a monkey. Can they really be taken seriously. You simply cannot negotiate with crazy!
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