What does Limbaugh have at stake that causes him to so adamantly oppose the truth that is Global Warming, to downplay President Obama's achievements, and to build straw men faster than a factory ever could? What is his motivation? The only think I can think of is money. The guy gets paid to slander any and everyone.
In a Media Matter's article (Nov 25, 2009), author, Greg Lewis chronicles some of Rush Bo's most recent flights of fantasy, including but not limited to his hope the President get "detained" when he visits West Point. But back to the money trail. Among the companies making it possible for Limbaugh to spread his vitriol are Mid-West Life Insurance Company of Tennessee, Mission Pharmacal Company, and Pfizer Inc. So let us ponder this for a moment, his advertisers are .....drum roll.... a part of the Health care for none crowd? Jeez Rush! You aren't even discreet about who you climb into bed with! [Please wait whilst I scrub that mental image from my brain]
Rush is an ego-maniac who has to be seen as relevant. He just has to. I believe there is some self-loathing going on with this guy and he is taking it out on the rest of us. Can someone give him a hug and maybe a therapist's coach. May then he will realize he is hanging out with the wrong crowd and treating his fellow man like crap under foot.
He calls the President a "man-child." Does he really think no one is going to get it? The fact that he is calling the President "boy?" That he, a white man, is calling the FIRST black President boy? What gall! I cannot believe no one is beating down his door for that and the many other ignorant things he oozes on about.
His blather is never supported by facts. I truly believe he is allergic to facts. In his world, facts are optional and never are they used. He lives in the same world as Sarah Palin.
Really, if Limbaugh and Palin had a kid, it would be Glenn Beck. (YIKES!)
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