What would you get if you mixed Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly, and Ann Coulter in a nifty Ninja blender? You'd get "Alt-Right" Princess Tomi Lahren. Like one of her ideological fathers, Bill O, Lahren was recently fired from her other daddy's Internet channel, The Blaze, but that doesn't mean she's gone quietly into that good night.
Tomi, like Ann Coulter, is a blond, (they say) attractive, white woman with a penchant for giving angry white men stiffies with her screeching about the war on White people, police officers, and, of course, all things Negro.
Her "anger," as contrived as it seems, boils over where Black Lives Matter is concerned. She has likened the BLM movement to the KKK on several occasions.
Like most overly privileged white woman, Tomi either doesn't know or doesn't care how her, to use her words, "mouth diarrhea" plays to those lacking her privilege. In fact, she like others, is often rewarded for their racial tone-deafness. Though her stint on The Blaze has come to an end, reportedly because she reveled in being the "Alt-Right Princess" and not because of her "pro-choice" comments in an interview on the day-time talk show The View, she won't go away. Like her ideological mother, Ann Coulter, being a blonde hate-speech spewing ideologue plays well in America. After all, isn't hatred much prettier when you dress it up?
Tomi has "faced-off" with the likes of The Daily Show's Trevor Noah and "urban" radio personality, Charlemagne Tha God, but these so-called confrontations left me baffled...briefly, and then completely overwrought. White girl magic did it again! Not only was she presented as "really a nice girl who doesn't really mean any harm," both men, BLACK men, seemed to be deferential to the point of gushing over this woman who feels it her "place" to tell them how to be men. As I watched both interviews, I wanted to scream! I determined one thing: Tomi needs to be called on her sh*t by a Black woman who will not go all "gushy" over her blonde hair and green-eyed evil self.
She, like Beck (who seems to be having some sort of mental and emotional crisis or change of heart -- he says he supports BLM), Bill "the Falafel" O'Reilly, Ann Coulter, and their ilk deserve no quarter. They are the megaphones of white hatred, and should be called such at every turn. These are the people who co-sign "average" white folks ignorance against black and brown people and make America, not great, but disgusting.
One can only hope, with her firing from The Blaze, Tomi will go back to being a regular white girl from the Midwest.
BLM is the New KKK
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