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Tomi Lahren: Outrage Barbie...please go away

( What would you get if you mixed Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly, and Ann Coulter in a nifty Ninja blender? You'd get "Alt-Right" Princess Tomi Lahren. Like one of her ideological fathers, Bill O, Lahren was recently fired from her other daddy's Internet channel, The Blaze , but that doesn't mean she's gone quietly into that good night. Tomi, like Ann Coulter, is a blond, (they say) attractive, white woman with a penchant for giving angry white men stiffies with her screeching about the war on White people, police officers, and, of course, all things Negro . Tomi has appointed herself the far, far Right's spokeswoman where outrage is concerned. Her most inflammatory rants always seem to be ones in which she is taking a black man to task; most notably, her rants against actor Jessie Williams following his acceptance speech at the BET awards last year and Colin Kaepernick regarding is decision to sit during the National Anthem. Her "...
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