South Carolina LT. Governor Bauer...mhm mhm mhm...this guy! In discussing his state's poverty, school free lunch program, and ways to reform it, the Lt. Governor likens the more than 50% of those receiving government aid to animals. In the words of his dear Grandmama, "if you keep feeding strays...they will keep breeding!" This is how the Right views its constituents, always has and always will. While it is trues there is a correlation between parent involvement and high tests scores, the Lt. Governor slams those parents who do not fully participate in their children's education. Everyone can agree, parents need to be more involved in their children's school lives, without doubt. But what of the single mothers and fathers who can't make the parent-teacher conference because they are working 2 jobs to put food on the table for their families? The Lt. Governor really should think about that and how he is speaking so terrible in regards to those who are trying to make the best of a bad situation. His remarks once again prove just how much disdain the Right has for the poor in our country. Be careful, if you feed 'em, they'll breed! And he stands by it!
South Carolina LT. Governor Bauer...mhm mhm mhm...this guy! In discussing his state's poverty, school free lunch program, and ways to reform it, the Lt. Governor likens the more than 50% of those receiving government aid to animals. In the words of his dear Grandmama, "if you keep feeding strays...they will keep breeding!" This is how the Right views its constituents, always has and always will. While it is trues there is a correlation between parent involvement and high tests scores, the Lt. Governor slams those parents who do not fully participate in their children's education. Everyone can agree, parents need to be more involved in their children's school lives, without doubt. But what of the single mothers and fathers who can't make the parent-teacher conference because they are working 2 jobs to put food on the table for their families? The Lt. Governor really should think about that and how he is speaking so terrible in regards to those who are trying to make the best of a bad situation. His remarks once again prove just how much disdain the Right has for the poor in our country. Be careful, if you feed 'em, they'll breed! And he stands by it!
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