Do you remember this guy? James O'Keefe. His "investigative reporting" was at the center of the onslaught against the activist group ACORN last year. Seen here dressed as a pimp, O'Keefe and his co-horts went to ACORN offices seeking ways to get around the law. The resulting YouTube videos set off calls by the Right to defund the grassroots organization. See the MSNBC and AP report below for the most recent antics of O'Keefe and others which just may land him in jail!
Activist filmmaker arrested in senator’s office
Man who exposed ACORN accused of seeking to wiretap Landrieu’s phones staff and news service reports
updated 3:50 p.m. ET, Tues., Jan. 26, 2010
NEW ORLEANS - A conservative filmmaker whose undercover videos shone a spotlight on alleged corruption by the liberal activist group ACORN was arrested with three other men and accused of plotting to wiretap the New Orleans offices of Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La.
The FBI said in an affidavit that James O’Keefe was among the four men who were arrested Monday. Special Agent Steven Rayes said O’Keefe was helping two others, Joseph Basel and Robert Flanagan, who were dressed as employees of a telephone company and attempted to interfere with the office’s telephone system, The Times-Picayune of New Orleans reported Tuesday on its Web site.
Flanagan is the son of William J. Flanagan, the acting U.S. attorney for western Louisiana, a Democratic official told the political newspaper The Hill.
The fourth man was identified as Stan Dai. All four were charged with entering federal property under false pretenses with the intent of committing a felony.
O’Keefe, who calls himself an investigative journalist and filmmaker, made a sensation on YouTube last year when he produced reports exposing alleged corruption within the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN, which promotes housing for low-income people. Congress voted to eliminate federal funding for ACORN programs shortly after the videos were released.
O’Keefe was in New Orleans last week to give a speech at the Libertarian Pelican Institute. A witness on Landrieu’s staff told the Times-Picayune that O’Keefe showed up in Landrieu’s office Monday and claimed to be “waiting for someone to arrive.”
Landrieu, a moderate Democrat, has been in the news recently because she negotiated an increase in Medicaid funds for her state before announcing her support for Senate health care legislation. A spokesman declined to comment on the arrests.
This is a breaking news story. Check back for updates.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
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