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France is a step closer to banning coverings for Muslim women

There have been calls for Parliament to ban outright the wearing of Burkas by Muslim women. While there has been no all out ban, there has been a call for such women to be made to remove the covering when dealing in public situations. I find this entirely absurd! These women are practicing their faith and harming no one in doing so. The anti-Islam/Muslim sentiment is going way too far. Christians all around the world would be in an uproar if they were told they could not wear a Crucifix in public as would any other Religious practice. We are creating an environment in which those who are radical in a religion can say, "see how they treat us? This is why we are angry and act out."  This is not the way to go. Every single person should have the right to practice their beliefs in whatever manner they choose as long as it is not harming anyone else. I find myself being very proud of Muslim women when I see them wearing the Hijab. I am a Christian, more spiritual than religious, but I respect the right of these women to wear their religious statement. Perhaps we should tell Nuns not to wear their Habit when they are about in public. Or maybe the Clergy should not wear their collars. No one would go for that! But because we are speaking of the Muslim faith, it is permissible. We speak so highly of Democracy and freedom, of the right to have a religious practice without the the government bearing down on us, but yet we seek to deny that to a particular group of people because we do not understand their practice. We are such hypocrites! Let these women practice their faith and if it makes you uneasy, then look away. It is like this..."when they came for the Jews, I did not say anything because I was not Jewish.." (I paraphrase, but we all know the quote.) When "they come for YOU who will protest? NO ONE, because everyone will be gone.


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