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Keith Ellison Tears Up At Hearing On Muslim-American 'Radicalization' (VIDEO)

This entire event is an exercise in nasty xenophobia­. It is time for Americans, all of us, to let these ignorant people know they alone cannot claim this nation. Muslims are just as much as Americans as anyone else. Religion does not determine whether you love your country. I have heard people refer to this as akin to the McCarthy hearings. I agree. It also smacks of the internment of the Japanese, the questionin­g of giving rights to African-Am­ericans, how Hispanic-A­mericans are treated, and so on. The common theme is the fear of the “other.” King claims he is trying to understand Muslim hate of this country, and that is a lie. Flat out. If he truly cared about the security of this nation, he would be looking into all groups who may have terroristi­c ideals. It seems to me, if you are white, you are American. If you are brown, you are a terrorist. People have come to this country for time infinite because they believe in the ideal. Muslims are no different. This is a waste of time and money, and I am certain there are some who, if they didn’t have ill feelings before, will have them now.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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