"Several days ago, the governor’s legal counsel was demanding more than $30,000 in printing fees from the Associated Press for its email requests. The AP along with two local news organizati
ons responded to that demand by suing the governor for violating the Wisconsin Open Records law."
Walker seems to be breaking any and every law he sees fit. I am not surprised the emails were "selective
ly leaked." This entire charade has been an exercise in lying to the constituen
ts he is supposed to be protecting
. Walker and his GOP hit squad don't care about the middle-cla
ss. He wants to strip away rights for the people and give them to his corporate funders. What he did not count on was the ire of the American people. The people sat by and watched as the government bailed out Wall Street, and now they are using that same money to further subjugate the people. the protests in Egypt, Libya, and other parts of the world have inspired the American people. The time is now for standing up and letting those in power know the real power lies with the people.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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