Is anyone truly surprised Donald Trump, the great panderer, has not only chosen to jump on the "Birther" train, but is at the helm? It seems right up his alley to add nothing substantia
l to any given conversati
on. In a recent interview, he said he would not use his catchphras
e, "You're fired!" in the election because he doesn't want to "cheapen" the process. I would dare to say his entire "campaign" cheapens the process. President Obama has shown his birth certificat
e, but those who want any "reason" to de-ligitim
ize him will hold on to this canard far after he has left the Oval Office. To my mind, this speaks more to the insanity of those who espouse this "theory" than it does to anything nefarious they claim he is doing. I was weary when pundits called this a "post-raci
al" or "post-part
isan" Presidency
, and the past almost four years has justified that weariness. Prior to President Kennedy's assassinat
ion, his opponents produces a "wanted poster" complete with a "mugshot" of the President. The climate in which we live at present seems very reminiscen
t of those times. Any time a person can ask a Congressma
n who is going to shoot the President of the United States, and gets a chuckle in reply, we are in trouble. What a terrifying reality we live in when those not living in reality are running the conversati
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