As terrifical
ly illegal and insane as this is, I hope it will serve as a wake up call to all the people who have been hoodwinked into thinking the GOP has their best interest in mind. They do not! They have shown they are willing to lie, cheat, steal, and throw out the Constituti
on as long as it benefits the wealthy. THIS is what voting against your interests results in. This is not one or two years in the making. This goes back to Regan-nomi
cs. This is the reverse of what "governmen
t for the people, by the people" means. This had nothing to do with the budget, but everything to do with taking away the rights of the middle-cla
ss. The unions are why we have the 40 hour work week and other benefits. We cannot take that away. All of these govs need to be recalled. They have proven who they work for, and it is not the people!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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